255 Videos

Christ & Culture Show- S2Ep9

Christ & Culture Show- S2Ep9 Hosted by Sherman Ray and Tommy Allums Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and GodstreamTV Spotify and now Apple Podcasts email: [email protected] #ChristAndCulture #ChristAndCultureShow #Culture #Gospel #Trends #Jesus #Christian

Christ & Culture Show- S2Ep8

Christ & Culture Show Hosted by Pastor Sherman and Pastor Tommy On this episode- S2Ep8 Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and GodstreamTV Spotify and now Apple Podcasts email: [email protected] #ChristAndCulture #ChristAndCultureShow #Jesus #Trends #Politics #Trump #Immigration #God

Christ & Culture Show- S2Ep7

Christ & Culture Show- S2Ep7 Hosted by Sherman Ray and Tommy Allums discuss current events from a Christian perspective. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Email us at [email protected] Listen to Us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts #ChristandCulture #ChristAndCultureShow #christianity #Culture #Trends #politics #Church #Jesus

This Week in Prophecy- S2-Ep7

This Week in Prophecy- S2-Ep7 Host Sherman Ray, co-host Aaron Newton discuss prophecy and how it affects the church and our culture today. Follow us on Facebook and Listen to the entire audio on Spotify Apple Podcasts email us at [email protected] #ThisWeekInProphecy #Prophecy #Prophetic #Vision #Dreams #endtimes #culture

The Mystery Behind Jealousy

Morning Start is a devotional with lead Pastor Sherman Ray of Sagestone Church located in Las Vegas, Nevada On this episode- S2Ep5- The Mystery Behind Jealousy Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Godstream Spotify and now Apple Podcasts email: [email protected] #sagestonechurch #sclvchurch #pastorsherman #pastorsray #shermanraypodcast #morningstart #morningstartlv

Morning Start- Pride Before a Fall

Morning Start is a devotional with lead Pastor Sherman Ray of Sagestone Church located in Las Vegas, Nevada On this episode we’re in Proverbs 16:18 Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Godstream Spotify and now Apple Podcasts email: [email protected] #sagestonechurch #sclvchurch #pastorsherman #pastorsray #shermanraypodcast #morningstart #morningstartlv

Morning Start- As a Man Thinketh

Morning Start is a devotional with lead Pastor Sherman Ray of Sagestone Church located in Las Vegas, Nevada On this episode we’re in Proverbs 23:7 Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Godstream Spotify and now Apple Podcasts email: [email protected] #sagestonechurch #sclvchurch #pastorsherman #pastorsray #shermanraypodcast #morningstart #morningstartlv